We offer trainings and workshops tailored for teams working within education, health, wellness and community engagement settings.

Indigenous Leadership and Relational Wisdom
Leadership theories and practices are often rooted in Western perspectives. This training centers Indigenous core values of relationships, respect, reciprocity and responsibility as central to our understanding and practice of leadership to decolonize, deconstruct and inform how we work with others to be a good relative.
Intentional Event Planning and Implementation
Native and Indigenous-led spaces help foster connection and develop meaningful, long-lasting relations. This session is focused on training collaborators to create, promote, and facilitate their own culturally inclusive wellness and educational spaces. This includes support with logistical planning as well as coordination of workshops and activities using various platforms to bring your idea to fruition and accessible for all.
For descriptions and details about each training please email us at or complete our Training, Workshops and Event Inquiry form below.